
Washington Renter's Insurance For Your College Student

Renter's Insurance Renter's Insurance

Sep 05, 2017

Homeowner's Insurance

Insurance Checklist For Parents

As summer ends many parents are sending kids back to school or away to college for the first time.  Your insurance agent is a great resource to secure the best coverage for your college student. From Washington renter’s insurance to auto coverage be sure to discuss the following with your agent:

Does My College Student Need Washington Renter’s Insurance? Of course your student will be taking computer, cell phone, clothing, and maybe more.  But is this property covered under your homeowners insurance?  If they’re staying in a school dorm your home policy likely includes extension of property coverage to your student.  Be sure to research whether the extension applies and/or how much coverage is extended. But if your student is renting an apartment they may need a Washington renter’s insurance policy for their property.  Additionally renter’s insurance will provide liability to the rented location. And the good news? Washington renter’s insurance is cost effective with an average monthly premium of $15 to $25.

Pay Attention to Special Policy Limits  Whether it’s your home policy or Washington renter’s insurance covering your student’s property, read the policy as there can be special limits. Items such as computers and jewelry can be subject to special limitations and should be scheduled on a policy if of high value.

Research Policy Exclusions  Does the Washington renters’ insurance or home policy exclude coverage for theft and/or vandalism to personal property?

Auto Insurance  If your student is taking a vehicle to school with them be sure to call your agent to provide the new vehicle location address. Also discuss with your child whether other drivers are covered under the policy. If your student loans a vehicle to a friend there may not be coverage if your policy excludes non-listed drivers. Coverage exclusions could also apply if you as the named insured have not given permission for the vehicle to be operated by another driver.  If your student won’t have a vehicle at school inquire about the distant student discount as this is typically available for student drivers at college 100 miles or more away from home.

Umbrella Liability Umbrella liability provides additional liability over regular policy limits for auto and home.  Ask your agent if your umbrella offers liability extension to your student’s college residence location as well.


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